A series of short CG sketches reminding you to vote.
Sound clip credits:
"Machine Factory Ambience, A.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org
"Paint-brush" by AryaNotStark of Freesound.org
"Elastic" by JanevdMerwe1995 of Freesound.org
"Leather Bow Stretched" by eminyildirim of Freesound.org
"Leather Stretched" by altfuture of Freesound.org
"Wind-Up Crank" by RICHERlandTV (https://vimeo.com/richerlandtv) of Freesound.org
"ScrapingCarpet01" by nickyg11p of Freesound.org
"Leather Creak / Stretching" by ienba of Freesound.org
"Garden" by richwise of Freesound.org
"Pop Balloon 5" by Adam_N of Freesound.org
"Brass ball in Glass jar 2" by DavidHP61 of Freesound.org
"Ambience hum tuning fork" by vrodge of Freesound.org
"Clothing: Rustling Leather Jacket" by Sheyvan of Freesound.org
"effervescent tablet" by isohoo of Freesound.org
"Windchime soft" by Vendarro of Freesound.org